Welcome again to Downingtown West Little League. As you surely know by now, West Bradford Little League and Downingtown Little League are merging in an effort further develop the best little league programming possible for the athletes in our community. We are confident that becoming one league in DWLL will help us create a strong community oriented, sustainable program for years to come. DWLL will embody the strong values of each of its founding leagues with a continued focus on positivity and strong player development.
As we embark on the inaugural spring season, we are committed to ensure teams are balanced and competitive. With that you should expect a mix of children from West Bradford and Downingtown on all of the teams and use of all of the fields formerly managed by the individual leagues. Volunteers continue to be at the heart of our program. If you have volunteered in the past, we hope you will volunteer in the new league. We need coaches, assistant coaches, snack bar attendants, and field maintenance assistance. We will continue to be committed to the development of our coach volunteers with various opportunities for training upcoming.
Registration is open, we look forward to seeing you out on the diamond!